Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

Archives / February 2015


    I think it’s safe to say Target has sunk to a new low. Everyday they seem to become worse and worse. I feel sorry for the mother  and the family. No one deserves to go through with something like this. No parent deserves to lose their child let alone their only child. I wish the mother good luck with her lawsuit. Maybe this will shine a light on how horrible it is to work for Target to the public. Rot in hell Target!

  • January 3, 2015 - TargetIsTheNewWalmart

    A question to former employees about W-2s

    So I haven’t worked at Target in close to a year now. It’s a long story for those of you who are new to this site but long story short it’s a very stupid reason. It was a blessing in disguise though. Anyways tax season is upon us. I’d like to get a head start on filing my taxes so I can go back to school and earn my degree I was working hard for. I am very determined to go back, but filing a FAFSA requires tax info from the previous year. So Id like to know from former employees if they got their final W2 from Target on time or if Target was a bully about it. I know it is illegal to not give a former employee their W2 but Target strikes me as the type of company that would be a bully about it and mail it to you late or worse.

  • November 20, 2014 - TargetIsTheNewWalmart

    Target Thanksgiving Commercials

    I just love how Target dares to have an ad advertising Thanksgiving while they are pretty much killing Thanksgiving. This ad in particular has kids pulling a giant golden turkey bone. It’s an old thanksgiving tradition, well not normally a golden or oversized one. I’m surprised since retailers like Target have forced some people to do away with Thanksgiving traditions and follow what is now “Black Thursday” traditions. Thanksgiving is as dead as a turkey.

  • November 13, 2014 - TargetIsTheNewWalmart

    Target is officially opening up at 6:00 pm on Thanksgiving

    Most people saw this coming, for those that didn’t, Tarshit announced Monday that they would open their doors on Thanksgiving Day for their Black Friday sales at 6:00 PM. For those that still work at Target and have to go in at 5:30 pm or earlier on Thanksgiving day to slave away for for Tarshit, having to deal with asshole guests that day and pretty much have Thanksgiving and family time taken away from you, I will be thinking about you and so will many of us on this site. Most of us have worked a Black Friday shift so we know the pains. Good luck.

  • September 15, 2014 - TargetIsTheNewWalmart

    An update on my situation

    After a few months without a job(I did have a few odd jobs to help make ends meet) I have finally landed a job that offers not just better pay than Target, better benefits too! I get 30% employee discount and a better plan, I’m excited to start in the next couple of days. If you don’t remember me, I posted this post back in the summer

    Target=Retail Hell, now I know why the main color is Red

    A few things have happened since then since I got a new job.

  • July 3, 2014 - TargetIsTheNewWalmart

    Target=Retail Hell, now I know why the main color is Red

    I worked for Target for nearly 8 years. Would have been my eighth year in April. I was always brought up to stick to a job until something came along, as much as I hated that place, I was loyal to them for nearly 8 years. I tried a few times to jump ship but I never managed to get on anywhere else mostly due to being a college student.
