Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

Archives / September 2011

  • September 11, 2011 - Target96Austin

    Coached for putting family before less than $9/hr

    I have been a loyal Target employee for the last three years and have always showed up for my designated shifts, or called an ample amount of time before my shift if I was sick.

    This last weekend I had a family member hospitalized with shingles, forcing me to fly back home to be with them. I went in on WEDNESDAY to speak with an LOD, an LOD who told me that family always comes first, and called HR the next morning to see if they would be able to find anyone who could cover the other two shifts I had not found someone for. I got all but one of my shifts covered except for one, and I was just told to call in early that day to let the LOD’s know.

    So what do I do? I call in at 10:00 am for my 4:00 pm shift, saying I didn’t know if they had found anyone to cover me, but I was instructed to call in early anyways just in case. I was told, and basically coached, “that it was my responsibility to cover my shifts, and not someone elses, and despite having a family member in the hospital I was still accountable.” Guess what? You can go fuck yourself. I’m sorry you are too stupid to learn to train more than 5 people to do returns at guest service, but that is not my problem. The whole point of having so many damn employees is to account for things like this. $8.75/hr is not worth missing the chance to see a family member for possibly for the last time.


    I find this entire situation inappropriate and out of line on the LOD’s part. It is not like I am calling in because I have the sniffles, a loved one is legitimately sick. Can I go to HR and tell them that I feel like this was out of line on his part? It is out of line for him to be coaching me on my personal choices when I am more than 1000 miles away.
