Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

Archives / April 2013

  • April 28, 2013 - redevilredevil


    Every other department got their reviews 2 or 3 weeks ago. But us we barely started getting ours today.  I get mine tomorrow and I am not very excited.  For what for the change they’ll be giving us? Its all BS, in the end they sit you down tell you, you did okay only to give you pennies. Why is that? oh because your absences that you had good reasons for being absent.  Not like some of these kids  that call in last minute because they were out drinking the night before. So all the cross training and the staying late or coming in early or coming in on your days off doesnt count for anything? All the hard work doesnt pay off at Target. You can work at this place for a lifetime and they will never be happy with the effort you put in.  The etls see you struggling trying to keep up with the work they demand and just look the other way. Instead of them helping you pick clothes off the floor its so much easier to call a team member that was busy putting up stray and telling them to pick it up. And as if its not good enough they make a second round and ask why you still haven’t done it. Just because they have a business degree  doesn’t give them a right to look down on us.  They can bend down the same way we do and pick that shit off the floor. They can use their damn hands and check out some guests or put up some stray.  Really I look forward to the day  where I can say fuck you Target  and Good Bye! Oh and the fucking Red Cards!

  • March 28, 2013 - redevilredevil

    I thought I was going to die.

    So Sunday add was suppose to be an easy task. Well the team member that was suppose to help me put it up in softlines didnt show up that morning. Then we had a ton of signs specially shoes. So they gave me  2 guys too help me out. The one who helped me in shoes was pretty slow, he did 2 rows I did the rest, anyways any type of help was appreciated.  The other one I sent to infant gondolas which he didnt finish he just walked off. Found some signs on the end cap and thats how I figured out he had gone back to his area. At 8am when the store opens I was scheduled to be operator which also means I was the only one in softlines. I asked my lod for help since I had nobody he said everything was going to be ok but it wasnt signs werent done the team member that was supposed to go in at 11am also called in. I didnt get my breaks only my lunch and thats only because I practically begged, I went to lunch 10 minutes before going into compliance. I’ve made friends while I’ve been at Target and one of them thankfully stepped up and helped me finish the signing. A tl said it was the stupudest thing she’d heard when at 8am I told her I wasnt even done. I just wanted to slap her because it was just me working in softlines.
