Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

Archives / September 2014

  • September 15, 2014 - honeybeeans

    lazy store cross-trains to avoid training and hiring

    Quick question, do you guys have separate teams for each department? Because I’ve started off on Flow a year ago and I’ve slowly been cross-trained for Market/PFresh, Backroom, Price Change/Accuracy, Signing, Operator, In-Stocks, and Chargebacks. Basically, I start my day on Flow and then my second shift consists of any of the above listed. Every other Target I’ve been to (in CA) has a separate team for each department, I’m honestly confused by it and a little jealous. I HATE working dayside; the dayside TMs have this crazy idea that Flow doesn’t actually do anything so they tend to leave their messes for us the next morning on top of throwing the truck/restocking.
