Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

Archives / December 2019

  • When I was injured, HR blamed me for it. The application stated I could lift a certain amount of weight, which I did. The long hours, repetitive motion, physical strain and impact of hard labor was too much and both ankles were shot. I was given 4 weeks to have a doctor limit my lifting requirements so that I could be “demoted” from Warehouse Worker to Packing.

    My new manager was probably fresh out of college but stupid as fuck.

  • December 23, 2019 - FormerInmate@T-554

    Target Corporation Distribution Center: Gulag

    The best way to describe a Target DC is a Gulag. It felt like an unjust punishment; like I had been wrongfully imprisoned. Upon entering the building, my only thoughts were about prison riots. We were all armed with blades, jam poles, shepherds hooks, and a new device called a “measuring stick”, which resembled a wooden bow staff, and lots of heavy machinery…

  • I was randomly assigned to Outbound/Shipping in Pueblo, Colorado, without so much as an interview. A pulse will suffice. As far as “Team Member” goes, I still don’t know what that means or what “team” I was on. I was referred by my spouse, who worked in Inbound/Receiving, who will not be named due to a pending lawsuit. Together, we represent the two most psysically demanding positions in the warehouse.
