Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

Archives / October 2011

  • October 29, 2011 - electronics_slave

    Hated since day one.

    I started at a brand new target last year in september. i was a beginner and it was my first job. I work in electronics. When i started i had a few people training me. all of which lost their job for some unknown reason sometime halfway through the training. I never finished any training and was kind of just signed off. for the longest time i had no idea what i was doing…so i was selling gift cards with gift cards and i was just kinda doing shit because i didnt know anything else. finally i asked some other monkeys in electronics and i figured it out. The only time i have ever really had a guest (God forbid i ever call them fucking customers) upset with me is when they are trying to buy something that requires LOD approval. I call for LOD…and they take a half a year to get to the electronics desk and help out. by then…the guest either hates the shit out of me…or i tell them how much of a tard the manager is (LOD isn’t an everyday term with regular people). So to avoid that i slide my own ID. I see their ID and can see that its real…i slide mine. I make my own judgement call. im not selling minors beer and shit. Im selling a 36 year old dude a rated M game and his ID isnt sliding through right and im not gonna make him wait a day for the manager to stop sitting her fat ass in food ave eating free samples and talking to her gstl friend.
