Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

Archives / October 2012

  • October 31, 2012 - dogsrme

    WTF is their problem?

    Second post. I just had to write again after reading a lot of posts by other people. I’m seeing a common theme of write-up happy managers. I experienced it myself. It felt like the natural assumption was that I was a person with bad intent and that I should be treated as such.

    So I’ll ask the group..what do  you think the real problem with Target is?

    My building theory is that the sentiment comes from the top down from the Board of Directors and CEO level. But, their materials all paint a different story of appreciating the employee. I don’t get it.

    Is it that the company is so large that management is basically out of hand?

    Do they suppose the employees are the stupid, criminal, and irresponsible 47%?

    Have they simply not hired enough people with trained people management skills?

    Are they somehow setting people up to fail?

    Is there rampant jealousy?

    What, in your opinion, do you think the main problem is since many of us have had similar experiences?

    It sounds like we are all describing damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don’t experiences and that we’re basically good, hard-working people. Are they just trying to brainwash people to feel that they don’t deserve better and who are grateful to continue being worked to death and for such low wages?

  • - dogsrme

    Goodbye new job.

    I”m writing about my experience here because I absolutely cannot tell my family or even some of my friends the truth. They won’t believe it and will think I”m exaggerating (judging by the response I got when I told them about the first thing that went wrong–they said I was “unreliable” and really needed to grovel and get on their good side.)

    I quit yesterday.

    I was still technically in training. I was hired as a seasonal employee at $8.50/hr.

    Trouble started on the very first day. Trouble that shouldn’t really have been TROUBLE kind of trouble. But, at 48, I have seen the signs before of a culture that could be trouble.

    Our training group was large (12 ppl). We were asked to provide our 2 forms of ID. I have my SS card and driver’s license. The young HR trainer came back with a look as though she had caught me trying to pull a fast one. “I’m going to need ID that isn’t expired.” ??? “I’m sorry? What is the matter?” “Your driver’s license is expired.” It was kind of embarrassing in front of an entire group, but nothing I couldn’t deal with. I took a look. My license had expired just about 1 month to the day prior. I had moved and didn’t realize it and didn’t receive paperwork in the mail. Not like I had been running from the law from another state for years. “Oh, okay. Wow. I’ll go get it updated.” The class was great and laughed and teased me a little. She was not amused. “I will not be able to allow you to continue with a valid form of identification.” Ok, got it. “Ok, would it be better for me to join the next round of new trainees next week then? I’ll go to the DMV right now.” “No, just know that I cannot hire you until you do.”  ??? So on it goes about me being sort of the problem person.
