well im 19 yrs old male worked at target for 1 1/2 was hired hardlines but have been in market for now over a year….my store hired 4 pa’s when we 1st got our p-fresh when theres only suppose to be one (not the problem) our stl was cool our TL was cool n our Sr. Team Lead who was markets LOD was cool….around march this year we got a new STL who just so happens to specialize in market…the bitch comes in n changes everything took 2 pa’s titles away n shit the other 2 (1 quit the other went over nite w/ or former market LOD/Senior Team Lead) they took da titles away cuz theres only suppose to b one pa n they have to have open availability…ok well 3/4 pa’s are my friends who taught me their shit so now i know way toooo fuckin much to be just a market TM so they see wat i know (LODs) n run with it basically pay me as a regular TM for gettin shit done as a PA which i am not….so i talk to my ETL-HL which is also markets ETL and he finally said ok apply for it ur availability we can wrk with even thought ur in skool n shit w/e….ok so im thinkin ima get it psst well dnt u know that my ETL-HL and ETL-HR offer it to someone from backroom aka a friend who doesnt even want it!!!!! my TL was pissed when i told her cuz basically im her protege w/e da fuck u wanna call it so i applied so did he n now im waitin for the gawd damn results…my friend aka former pa aka 1st to get her title jacked thinks its a race issue idk n idc but that mutha fucker needs to know that TL’s know best not LODs all they do is sit up at tsc n drink coffee they duno wats best as in TM’s or Promotion they dont see what i can do yet im my TEAM LEADS FAV