Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

Archives / April 2020

  • April 5, 2020 - annoyedcashier

    literally not doing anything for corona

    I’m a guest advocate and my store is basically not doing anything. I got yelled at by my team lead to clean my belt bc of COVID, and all she gave me was the generic spray. No disinfectant or anything. In fact, my whole shift, my belt and area never gets disinfected ONCE.

    People are getting all up in my face and GSTLs are not helpful when people are literally up on top of me. We’re seriously supposed to be social distancing and I’m in one of the most infected states. Just putting stickers on the floor doesn’t do anything.

    There’s guests just walking around the store and coming in large groups. I’m sorry, but now is not the time to buy a bikini or foundation.

    My store has also not given masks or gloves to me. Only to the people doing the “cleaning” shifts, who aren’t even rly cleaning anyway.

