Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

September 28, 2012 - TargetSucks

30 Things You Can Expect From Target

(1) A dick up your ass; on a daily basis
(2) Two dicks up your ass, when LOD’s overlap
(3) Three-to-five dicks up your ass, if it’s a Saturday and your Team Leads, Senior Team Leads, and ETL’s are all scheduled at the same time
(4) “Guests” shoving their dicks in your ass. “Can I help you find something?”…don’t ever ask this question–ever. No matter who’s watching. The guest will either respond with a brief, rude grunt at the mere sight of a peon like you invading their personal bubble, or they will say, “Yeah, actually…I’m looking for _______ “. At which point, you have a dick up your ass, regardless of these two circumstances.
(5) Bullshit. Tons and tons of bullshit.
(6) Hours? You want hours?? HAHAHAHA!!! Oh wait, you’re serious….
(7) “Did you ask that guest ‘Can I help you find something?'”
(8) Hearing about the kiss-ass at the front lanes who’s gotten ten billion Red Cards this week, and the fact that you suck balls for not getting ten billion-and-one.
(9) Staying late…every time.
(10) Meaningless, pointless, cryptic write-ups.
YOU: “What am I being written up for exactly?”
YOUR ‘BOSS’: “Uhh…you uh, didn’t stock the tampons from ‘Light Flow’ to ‘Heavy Flow’….”
YOU: “Oh. That explains everything”.
(11) Great Team Hero = Who Fucking Cares?
(12) Kids shit in the weirdest places…
(13) Homeless people actually sleep in fitting rooms
(14) Yes, there is a “right way” and a “wrong way” to hang EVERYTHING.
(15) You are responsible for guests stealing shit. You didn’t see them do it? Well you weren’t looking hard enough, dummy. Write up.
(16) White trash–everywhere.
(17) You gain the realization that electronic wheelchairs are just about the most annoying fucking things in the universe.
(18) Unfolded shirts wind up in your nightmares
(19) Cover the diamonds……..
(20) Bosses + PDA = “I look like I’m doing something….. right?”
(21) Children like to touch every fucking thing in the store
(22) People don’t flush
(23) “Guests” apparently covet their PIN number…until they’re at your check out lane and can’t fucking remember it
(24) ‘Speed Score’ is another term for “Suck my ass”
(25) Bullseye needs to be made into a live target
(26) Nobody is happy working there. Nobody.
(27) Your review sucked, as did everyone else’s. Get over it.
(28) Your boss DOES indeed think they are the be-all, end-all. Just key their car.
(29) Drinking doesn’t make Target go away
(30) Cart attending is the worst job in the entire world–period.




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