Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.
  • September 15, 2014 - coolatina101

    My old store

    I have not been in my old store since the day I quit. So when I drive by my old store, I feel the need to flip it off and say, “FUCK YOU TARSHIT”! I even have a gift card from Tarshit that I will probably never use because that is how much I still cannot stand that fucking “company”. I haven’t even been able to step into other Tarshits.

  • Quick question, do you guys have separate teams for each department? Because I’ve started off on Flow a year ago and I’ve slowly been cross-trained for Market/PFresh, Backroom, Price Change/Accuracy, Signing, Operator, In-Stocks, and Chargebacks. Basically, I start my day on Flow and then my second shift consists of any of the above listed. Every other Target I’ve been to (in CA) has a separate team for each department, I’m honestly confused by it and a little jealous. I HATE working dayside; the dayside TMs have this crazy idea that Flow doesn’t actually do anything so they tend to leave their messes for us the next morning on top of throwing the truck/restocking.

  • - pimpedbytarget

    Recent Hire

    I graduated in July this year, going to community college and needed a job. So, about a month ago I got hired at Target for backroom team member, I’ve had the old guard bitching at me how their hours were cut ( basically the management that hired me, are the new guys, the old management was fired for doing a shitty job, all the TL, LOD’s, ETL’s and STL) and they were pissed cause the new management isn’t what they like.  So far its going ok, I avoid the bullshit out on the floor cause I’m in the back, busting my balls, kissing ETL & TL ass (although both are great, TL works with us most of the time, and my etl – logistics – she’s really cool, hard worker — up to 60 hours a week, once from 3 am to 5 pm almost never takes lunch or break—-, since she’s got a lot of pressure on her to make sure things are good), anyways to get back —-  and never agreeing to go cashier or be crosstrained, fuck that shit, especially after reading the posts on here.

  • - TargetGuestsSuck

    Every guest is a demon

    So, I’ve come to realize that I don’t hate my job at all. I don’t hate my ETLs, my TLs, or even my STL. They all have their moments, but so do we. What makes me want to slit my veins with a red razorblade are guests. They are the biggest pieces of shit this world has ever seen. And I have to partially blame Target because we spoil these scums. They refuse to even LOOK for anything, they want you to do their fucking shopping for them. Listen cunt, I’m not your personal shopper.

  • September 13, 2014 - dtlhater


    Just finished the annual cult convention in Minneapolis Tarshit puts on every year. Nice to see Taylor Swift, Jamie Foxx and Coldplay perform at this years event but couldn’t help feel how much money is wasted on propping the cult (every STL flies out, hotels, meals, drinks etc etc) while the stores cut costs at the expense of the TMs wages. 

  • - Yourfriendlyneighborhooddouch

    Oh, those goofy lazy ETLS, but I hate guests more

    Etls are fascinating creatures, they pretend to zone when their not pretending to care what I’m doing. The flow team drive me crazy, they are the reason I hate morning shifts. The creatures of the backroom do not welcome the customer folk and avoid them and their questions. My own job area was cart attendant, and I didn’t know my shit from my oatmeal or where anything was in the store, but I got asked by guests more than sales floor members where shit was.

  • I decided one day to just visit my old store that I worked at. The brand attendant that I became friends with said that they needed a lot of help and the higher power has been contemplating about reinstating me. There is just one problem to that: didn’t these d-bags wrongfully fire me for “calling a customer a bitch?” The only way I come back is on my four terms:

  • September 11, 2014 - HacksawJoe

    Pain is Better

    I worked at Target for 6 1/2 years. I finally got a new job and left Target. On the third day at my new job I was in a traffic accident and sent to the hospital. I have to say, even getting hit by a car is better than working for Target.

  • September 10, 2014 - Retail Blues

    Getting Fisted by myTime Scheduling.

    I think it’s safe to say that we all hate the myTime scheduling, and for a wide variety of reasons. For myself, it’s all about not getting enough hours in my primary work center. I’ve been with Target for a number of years, and the past few years I’ve been my store’s signing specialist. Pardon me, signing team member, ever since the company has gotten rid of the specialist title.

  • Target is a hell whole. They wont work with my school hours. They gave me hell for calling off when I didn’t feel well. I work in the cafe and I should not be there if I am not feeling well.  I have been there for 2 weeks and I am done with their shit.
